Millie The Cabaret Singer (see Felix The Calypso Singer)
27 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Newlyweds take a one-day honeymoon to Rome. The wife is in first class, and the husband is in the Economy class. Mr. Beauchamp is on the flight, evaluating the girls' performance. Millie allows the bride to use the telephone to speak with her husband until Beauchamp interferes. He also intercepts some wine the bride asks Millie to give to her husband. later, the girls arrive at their hotel in Rome. The city is filled with a dental convention. The newlyweds have no place to go. tender-hearted Millie gives them their room, without telling Maggie, who is exhausted and wants some sleep. Millie suggests that they go sight-seeing. She knows a café that's open late. The girls eat a nice dinner and dance with men of all ages, including a Romeo type. Maggie is still exhausted, but Millie is all energy, leading everyone in several choruses of songs until finally they burn out. Meanwhile, Mr. Beauchamp discovers the husband in the girls' room and jumps to conclusions. Millie tells Maggie the truth. They find a park bench to spend the night, but are awakened by the Romeo who's pinching their bottoms. They have to catch the morning flight back to England, and are tired. Millie tries to make the announcements without warning; they serve rum -infused punch to some nuns, and while carving a rib roast, Millie accidentally carves a passenger's briefcase. The next day Mr. Beauchamp is scolding the girls. He is reading the customer comments cards which are mainly negative. As long as the cards in his possession, he must place them in the girls' performance file and fire them. I won't spoil the rest of the story. This story though, reminds me of the Odd Couple episode called "Felix The Calypso Singer/" It's a shame that these four didn't get together, as there definitely would be some cute and musical opportunities.
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