Review of Compliance

Compliance (2012)
Thought-provoking and frustrating
18 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If the screenwriters were to have written this script in a vacuum, I would have been throwing popcorn at the screen due to what I'd consider to be the most illogical, ludicrous and unbelievable character decisions/motivations seen committed to film in a very long time. Sadly, this was based on a true story, which makes me want to tear my hair out at the sheepish state of American society and how so many people could be so readily manipulated and to such destructive ends. I'm horrified by the actions of the manager, her complicit co-workers, the baffling sadism of her fiancé, and the toothless submission of the young girl to such a bizarre situation. I'm horrified because in reality these characters were the most average of Americans but with such weak minds and will. I'm also horrified that the culprit on the phone is such a disgusting sociopath who would go to such bizarre ends to anonymously harm innocent strangers. And I'm horrified that this was not an isolated event. These are your neighbors. I'm horrified that this "slice of life" in modern American culture is only a "slice", and that there's so much more mindlessness where this came from.

I'm not the wisest of men, but I feel I can offer just a little sound advice for navigating this thing called life:

Question authority, and always think for yourself.
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