Modest thriller
23 March 2013
Cash On Demand is a neat little thriller set entirely inside a very small bank with a very small cast. Peter Cushing plays a nit-picking bank manager who finds he loses his dry demeanour when he is at the mercy of a bank robber who has taken his family hostage.

The film charts the robber's fiendish plan to calmly loot the bank's safe of all it's money and walk out as though nothing is wrong, while all the time putting the terrified manager through the wringer. Cushing really excels in the role of the bank manager, and Andre Morell makes an excellent slimy criminal who you just want to punch the entire time.

As I said, the whole movie takes place in the one setting, and almost in real time too. It's enjoyable while it lasts, and you'll be wondering what will happen, but despite some attempts at dramatic moments(fumbled locks, an unexpected window cleaner, etc), the final payoff is very disappointing, as the film ends in a really weak, almost feel-good way,which negates the realistically tense 60 minutes that preceded it and gave me very little satisfaction for justice being done. In this way it's almost like William Castle film - he also bungles his endings in a similar way.

Cash On Demand is not very well known, but is worthy of a look if you like Peter Cushing as he definitely makes the film.
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