Review of Disconnect

Disconnect (I) (2012)
Powerful, Must See Film
26 March 2013
Had the opportunity to see this amazing film at a sneak preview last night at the AFI/Silver Theater in Silver Spring MD. This is a powerful film that exceeded my expectations. Reading the marketing blurb I was worried it would be just another hi-tech thriller making use of all the latest cool technology. Being a tech Luddite I was about to pass,but the comparison to Crash pulled me in, and I am glad I went. This is a compelling ensemble film of how three different set of characters are impacted by the technology that has become so integral to our lives. We follow the stories of these people as they cope with the a new reality brought on by their reliance on electronic devices. This is a lame description but I can't go much further into it without spoiling this gripping agonizing film for you. Let just say it will make you recall and relive every stupid thing you did as a teenager, every stupid decision you make now, and how those decisions are amplified by our reliance on electronic devices. None of the stories are new in the human experience, but the speed in which events occur and the seriousness of the consequences are greater because of the wired alienation of society. The screen play, acting, cinematography, editing, lighting all work together to increase the tension of this film. Jason Bateman, in particular, stands out in this dramatic roll. He has proved he can sit in the top ranks of male dramatic actors and I hope to see him expand his resume in drama. All of the actors go deep into their characters, many with a realism that could be sitting next to you in the theater, Particularly effective is the use of text on screen to show on-line chat conversations. As the previous reviewer describes, there is a voyeuristic perspective to the shots. A viewer at the preview referenced Rear Window in comparison, and that is true. This film is a Rear Window for the new millennium, where we peer into our neighbor's lives with cell phones and lap tops. Is this film a thriller? It is thrilling in a way that has you alternating between the edge of your seat and sinking deep into your seat. This film will leave you thinking for hours and days afterward. It may also have you looking at your cell phone and laptop with a new distrust. I can't tell you my favorite scene, other than it was a completely human, non-tech reaction by a character in grief. I will have to wait for more friends to see this film, and then we will sit down face to face and talk about that scene. Go see this film, tell your friends to go see this film. And then have a good talk about this amazing film.
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