Review of Oblivion

Oblivion (I) (2013)
Epic Sci-Fi with some great twists!
15 April 2013
Sci-Fi movies nowadays have the tendency to be clichéd stories or remakes of old ideas, using similar characters and threats, it's not very often that a completely original idea comes along. Oblivion is one of these movies, offering both different and unique plot points, some great acting from all three leads, fantastic design and visuals and spot on directing. The story of Oblivion (taken from an un-published Graphic Novel) introduces us to a post-invasion planet Earth. After an alien invasion wiped out most of humanity, we are told that we used our nukes to end the war. 60 years have passed, and Earth is now a partially radioactive wasteland. Jack Harper (Tom Cruise), is a member of a 'mop-up' team tasked with repairing drones and eliminating any remaining alien threat. But when Jack is captured by a group of humans, their leader (Morgan Freeman) tells him that things are not what they seem and that everything he knows is a lie. Director Joseph Kosinski is actually the author of the novel the film is based on, and so from start to finish this is his baby! Kosinski creates a frightening future world with Oblivion. The smoothness of many scenes and the way the film constantly holds both tension and intrigue to the viewer is so good that you forget, this is only his second film.

The performances in the movie are also superb, with Tom Cruise being on top of his game as our hero, Olga Kurylenko was mysterious and sexy in her role as the survivor that Jack saves from a shuttle wreckage. I was a little disappointed that Morgan Freeman didn't have more screen time, but at least he was great in the scenes he was in. The effects were fantastic, everything from the apartment above the clouds to the ship Jack pilots all looked not only futuristic and cool but also completely plausible which I loved!

In conclusion, Oblivion is a great sci-fi movie. It has a love story, great plot twists, stunning visuals, all the elements to make it a classic. However, this is by no means a film without flaws.. there is a particular revelation scene towards the end in which I spotted a pretty major continuity error, that I couldn't work out how they didn't notice it or maybe it was deliberate..i don't know! All in all, I loved this film. It's definitely worth seeing on the big screen. To enhance the experience though I would suggest avoiding spoilers so it doesn't ruin the twists in the movie.

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