Review of Disconnect

Disconnect (I) (2012)
Excellent telling of 3 stories relating to interactions on the web.
12 May 2013
I'm going to keep this a simple review, there's plenty of longer ones if you want that. I went to this movie with zero expectations. I wanted to see a movie today and this just happened to be 1 of the 4 playing at my small theater. The movie was very well done. All 3 stories were intriguing and believable. Many sad stories such as these are often over-dramatized and make me hate them. However, I found this one to hit the drama level perfectly. They make you feel for the characters and believe their actions (to which I'll say all of the actors did an AMAZING job, particularly the kids).

I almost wish I could see a feature-length movie of 2 of the 3 stories in this. Those being the bullied kid and the other of cyber sex ring. Those 2 were definitely hit their mark. I thought the 3rd, with the couple who lost their money to identity theft, was good as well...but perhaps not to the same level as the others. To be fair though, the other 2 might just have been more intriguing of a topic for me.

Just a quick comment on the Rating: Personally, I think this movie should have been rated PG-13. There was only light violence (not gloritized, either) and very brief, tasteful nudity. All while 2 of the stories were relating to very real scenarios related to kids. Meh, maybe I'm just being silly thinking kids can handle movies about topics they clearly live through.
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