The Last of Us (2013 Video Game)
A Chilling Masterpiece that Sticks with You
19 June 2013
I rate a ton of things on this site all the time, but I've never done an actual review. The Last of Us more than warrants one. I've never had a gaming experience quite like it. It transcends an average game.

The story is the meat and potatoes of this game. It will grab you in the opening scene and hold you throughout. You will come to care a lot about the characters and their struggles in this post-apocalyptic world. This game also contains some of the darkest topics ever touched by gaming. I won't go into any of them but know that it was a bold move and it paid off. Note that this game truly earns its M rating and is not for everyone.

The major reason that the story works so well is because it contains some of the greatest characters ever crafted in gaming. The characters feel so real and they face problems that are all too real. The voice work is as good as any I have ever seen. Hats off to Troy Baker as Joel and Ashley Johnson as Ellie for their exceptional performances. This game has made me a fan of both and I can't wait to see more work from them.

The gameplay is just as smooth as the Uncharted series, but it offers more of a chance for some variety and stealth. There is so much choice in the route and strategy you choose to take while going through this game. There are times when going guns a blazing will work, but those times are quite few. Stealth and scavenging are heavily encouraged.

The graphics are possibly the best that have ever graced the PS3. The amount of detail in the characters and the environment is incredible. The lighting, colors, and textures are very strong. There is no way to see everything in one playthrough...all the more reason to return.

This game is receiving near universal praise from both critics and gamers alike. A ton of perfect scores have been given out and they are certainly well earned. This game is a gritty experience the likes of which I have never played. I'm not a person who cries, but I am a thinker. This game has invoked a lot of deep thought since I finished it last night. It brings up a lot of issues and you won't be able to stop thinking, hmmm...would I have done that or been able to do that? There were times where I said yes and some where I had to say no. That is the true power of The Last of Us. It brings out feelings that gaming rarely succeeds in doing and it will get inside your mind. All in all, The Last of Us is a chilling masterpiece that sticks with you.

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