Talkative Euro- Horror Which Isn't Helped By The Dubbing
1 July 2013
Two pathologists carry out an autopsy of a man shot by silver bullets . One warns the other of dark supernatural forces if the bullet is removed from the body . His colleague tells him not to worry and the corpse will remain dead . He removes the bullets and .... do I need to draw a diagram ?

Yes Daninsky is back and after this opening pre-credits sequence we get a series of postcards of Paris landmarks . Knowing the rest of the franchise this could set the scene anywhere but I'm guessing we might just be in Paris and two girls talk to a man in a discoteque and their voices are dubbed in to English . Not just the voices but the background music too which is composed of a few solitary notes on a piano which renders the scene of the hip young cats getting down somewhat laughable

This sums up the problem of the film - the dubbing is inappropriate . Certainly the lip synch is good enough but the voices don't go with the cast . Of the two female protagonists Genevieve is dubbed by an much older woman while the older woman Elvira is dubbed by someone younger and is rather distracting . Perhaps the voices should be swapped around ? But at least they're dubbed because in a couple of other scenes characters talk in Spanish even if their characters are supposed to be French

And that's all the characters mainly do in this film - talk , and talk and talk where nothing much really happens. With a premise of a female Vampire rising from the dead and curses werewolf Daninsky having to combat her the Alas bonkers but imaginative premise isn't utilized to its full potential . People who don't like horror won't be drawn to it and horror fans will be rather bored by it
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