The Last of Us (2013 Video Game)
Speechless (can't even type)
2 July 2013
My The Last of Us review I'm so overwhelmed by this game right now. This game is like a delicious meal. When it ends you want so bad to have more of it but in some other way you are the most satisfied human being in the planet.

The graphics are so amazing I can't even digest it. The story is so well done that I was left teary. And thinking about the ending is surprisingly just as deep as analyzing a good movie. I'm gonna talk about the ending later so keep on with me (haha). Where to start... OK.

This game tells the story of a man with a mission. He has to go across a post-apocalyptic America to deliver a little girl to a rebel group of survivors. As I came aware that it was involving a rebel group holding against the government I was worried. I said to myself "Oh, this is so cliché!". But I was wrong. And I have to mention this was just a meaningless worry still having in my mind the amazing prologue that I just witnessed. The setting the gameplay and the execution of what envelopes is superb in the prologue and in the whole game in general.

The game is divided by seasons (I know, it's weird but awesome). and every season ends with something big. My favorite I think might be winter but it's hard to pick one because they all are amazing! But I'm just gonna go with winter now. The pacing and the way they are told and experienced are awesome.

Now... what most gamers were worried about...! The gameplay. Let me say this. This game... has the most fluid and satisfying gameplay that I have ever experienced. The way the gameplay combines with the atmosphere and story is done masterfully. It has a level of intensity to it that hits you right in the brain's sweet spot. You have to carefully walk through dark hallways and smartly plan what to waste and what to spare. The brutality of the combat also makes it engaging and sometimes disturbing, like when you are choking the life out of an enemy. In Uncharted you just went "snap" with the dude's neck and you were done, here you see Joel's face struggling to keep a grip, and the victim's eyes starting to loose it as he claws for Joel's face.

There was good variety in the enemies and very few and minimal glitches that I encountered.

OK, now let's get into the graphics. These are easily the best graphics that I have seen on a console. They are smooth, detailed and very beautiful. There were a few scenes with animals in them and they are jaw dropping. (Yes, even the rabbit.) Oh and the lighting. Haha man the lighting. The shadows the reflections and the beautifully animated dynamic lighting make this game shine. (No pun intended) The cherry on top of all of this must be the ending. I understand that some didn't like it because of it's abruptness but for me it was deep, dark and let's say, real! I spent easily a day thinking and analyzing these characters (specially Joel at the end) to really understand this character's complex payoff! I mean, what game does this! I can really think of critically acclaimed movies that go toe to toe with this game.

This game is a masterpiece of our time. Everyone must experience it and it should be taken from now on as a reference to what the gaming industry is capable of and how it has already reached the heights of film depth and quality. I'm giving The Last of Us a 10 out of 10.

Thanks for reading! Have a good day!
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