Meeting Evil (2012)
3 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Viewing this film gives me hope for the films that often don't make it to the big screen. It's not your typical rushed together "bill-payer film".

It's clearly put together really well, with Samuel l Jackson playing the omniscient skilled killer "Richie". And Luke Wilson playing the dumbfounded "John" the pair set out on a journey... "I'm the only person that hasn't given up on you, John" every word that comes out of "Richie's" mouth demands respect. A very interesting aspect to this film is that Chris Fisher insures that the statements that Richie says actually can be seen as true in some way.

"Stop trying to figure me out. I got my own ideas."

"I know I can act a little strangely sometimes. Just because I'm a little different doesn't make me a bad guy."

It's quite weird in the fact that i found myself days later actually remembering his quotes, with Samuel l Jacksons raspy voice ringing in my ears.

Although a thriller, i couldn't help but laugh at the brashness and lack of emotion that Richie shows. A example of this is when they are being chased by a husband of a woman that Richie just killed along with several others. The mans truck eventually stops with the car stopping also "let's rip his throat out". It's actually quite comical at times with John acting as the sensible mediator between Richie and the world.

However i do have to say that the scenes without Richie and John failed to stimulate me as much ie. the police investigation.

In conclusion, i don't feel that meeting evil is anything groundbreaking that the industry has never seen before but feel that the acting and chemistry between Samuel l Jackson and Luke Wilson really lifts the film. If you're debating whether to pick this one up in the DVD store, do it, it'll definitely be worth it.
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