In the Flesh (2013–2014)
I REALLY Wanted to Like This
14 July 2013
I really wanted to like "In the Flesh", but I just can't :( I'm an avid fan of zombie genre; Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead (both versions), 28 Days Later, Walking Dead. I'm even tolerant of off-beat zombie genre (Shawn of the Dead, Black Sheep) and low-budget indie zombie genre (Stakeland).

So I *expected* to like "In the Flesh". It has an intelligent an novel premise; the world had a rough time, but did not end, and now is trying to recover from the zombie apocalypse. Lots of good metaphors for racism and classism, mixed with the legitimate fears of violence and the threats posed by religious fundamentalism. This should be premium stuff.

But it makes one deadly error: it is BORING! Slow, plodding, monotonous. The plot moves at the pace of a wounded slug. They take *ages* to get anywhere. This same story, with the content they have, could have been presented in 1/3 the time, and would have been better or it. After an hour, I could not take it any more, and turned it off :(
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