Review of Black Out

Black Out (I) (2012)
Not too original, but very slick
19 July 2013
"Black Out" is essentially a Dutch remake of every Guy Ritchie movie ever (except "Swept Away", thank God), take it or leave it. There's nothing new you'll see in this movie, but it's a pretty darn fantastic rendition of crime movie clichés. The female assassins are vintage Tarantino, the dying crime boss is a lot like Christopher Walken in "Things To Do In Denver", the wannabe-villains having a really stupid hobby (in this case dog trimming) is a joke that I must have seen in a billion different crime comedies, but somehow it all just gels perfectly. In a worse framework the oh-so-clever little dialogues would annoy the hell out of me, but everything I'd usually hate just sorta works in this movie, somehow. By the end a lot of people have died, a lot of friends have become enemies and vice versa, a lot of weird one-liners have been uttered, what more can you really want from stuff like this? You've seen this movie before, but you'll have a great time seeing it again.
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