A Fun Family Film and Improvement From the First,
15 August 2013
Short Circuit 2 is a good movie with a storyline thats a lot more thought out,exciting and entertaining than the first Short Circuit.At first,I didn't really think it was going to be that good since the two main actors aren't even in it,but it turned out they really didn't need to be,what made this movie so enjoyable was Johnny Five,who's character is a lot more funny and less irritating in this one,and Fisher Stevens was great too,his character really developed this time instead of just being there for comic relief.The movie is very funny and has enough humor for young and older audiences,if you enjoyed the first Short Circuit,you'll certainly enjoy this.

Johnny Five is shopped out to the big city from Montana to help his friend Benjamin (Fisher Stevens) out with his new toy business,but criminals start getting the best of the gullible robot.
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