Strike Back (2010–2020)
24 On Steroids
13 August 2013
There is no show or film that has bought this level of war-fighting realism to the screen. It seems that Strike Back through the author Chris Ryan was able to retain the services of real SAS and SBS instructors, something that is a first and omg does it show. Combine that with dedicated really talented actors which again is unheard of, usually your typical action star has the acting range of a brick yet the casting agency has really pulled off a winner. And what about locations? INCREDIBLE, the British intelligence teams operate all over the world in some of the most beautiful areas of the planet.

This show has all the class of James Bond and the barrel-end of SAS-level military realism, America could learn some real lessons from this show.

The Brits could dominate TV if they invested in more shows like this.

This is Bravo Two Zero.....out.
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