Lawyers like you get me sick!
14 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** What could be called the case of the mysterious garbage can this Perry Mason, Raymond Burr, episode has to do with the murder of Marvin Slater, John De Santis, the man who hired both Eve Martell, Margaret Fields, and her Aunt Agnes Nutly, Shelia Bromley, to impersonate the Lovely Helen Reynolds, Paula Raymond, and live in chaperon. It was the drop dead gorgeous Helen who came up with this bizarre plan to counterbalance her extremely jealous husband Grant, John Stephenson, who was having her followed and checked on by members of the Interstate Detective Agency to see if she was cheating on him. It turned out that the middle man in all this Marvin Slater ended up getting the worst of it in being shot dead and poor Aunt Nutly who's gun was found in a nearby garbage can not far from the murder scene arrested for Slater's murder.

Perry Mason who's defending Mrs. Nulty has to shift through all the garbage in this very puzzling case to get to the bottom or bottom of the garbage can to prove his client's innocent. Whoever murdered Slater dumped the murder weapon, that was later recovered by the police, in the garbage not to really hide it but have it recovered and, with her fingerprints on it, convict Aunt Nutly for Slater's murder. All this garbage comes to a head at trial with Perry Proving that there was no way Aunt Nutly could have planted the murder weapon in the garbage can where it was found! In that it was put there before not after Slater's murder. In fact by leaving it on top of the garbage not bottom where it disrupted the garbage in the can it showed that it was tampered with.

****SPOILERS**** With all the garbage in the case spelled out by Perry it didn't take long for him to reveal who Slater's killer was. He was the person who left a trail of garbage after having murdered Slater that unknowingly lead straight to his front door. And it was Perry Mason who's keen sense of smell lead him to expose Slater's murderer on the witness stand. Getting away from all this garbage the thing that we, the guys watching, were expecting was to find out in this garbage strewn Perry Mason episode just who the lovely and classy Helen was having an affair with. Were told over and over by Helen just what a dreamboat he was and hoped by seeing him we can learn something from the gentleman in how he does it by getting beautiful and and at the same time ice cold, towards us, women like Hellen the wet their panties over him. But sadly enough due to time restrains we were never given a chance to either see or hear from him.
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