Gunslinger Girl (2003–2004)
This series changed the way I view anime.
26 August 2013
Let me start by saying this Anime has a great story I would recommend to everyone! Gunslinger Girl alone changed the way I view anime I'll admit I used to only want to watch anime I was told had great fight scenes cause I really only liked it for the fighting but after watching gunslinger girl I now view it in a totally different way and am now in it for the story and character development.

Gunslinger Girl starts off with an awesome opening immediately leading you to believe your in for an action packed ride but this is not the case, although the anime does have action scenes where these cyborg girls really show you what they can do (assassinating people) where the story really shines is these cyborg girls and their love for their handlers or "Fratello". Each girl and their Fratello counterpart have a unique relationship and you find yourself equally interested in each one and wanting to see more and more as the story progresses. The things these girls will go through just to please their Fratello and do the best they possibly can and the affection shown from girl to handler really shows you how much these girls love their Fratello and will go to extreme lengths even giving their own lives if needed to ensure the protection of their Fratello.

As you get deeper into the story you find you no longer care about seeing flashy fight scenes, you now only care about the story and seeing these girls characters develop into some of the most interesting characters I've ever seen.

While the girls seem sweet and innocent (Which they are) the thought of knowing they could snap anyone's neck in a heart beat just adds to the enjoyment as you watch them and their Fratello go on missions together and in their everyday lives you cant help but wish someone would maker one of these girls angry so you can see them do what they've been trained to do, although there aren't a whole lot of action scenes the ones they do show are tastefully done and leave you feeling satisfied.

Keep in mind there are only 13 episodes and for the 13 episodes they had they did very well and with only those 13 this series made it into my top 5 favorite anime if that gives you any idea as to how good this series is you will not be disappointed after watching this anime.
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