Review of Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
WATCH IT!!! The hype is real
22 September 2013
Breaking Bad is a work of art. It is always going somewhere. It seems that from the beginning they planned it to be five seasons long because everything falls into place and everything is pointing towards an inevitable ending.

Every character in the show is fantastic. The worst ones (as in antagonistic) are filled with redeeming qualities, and also the protagonists are filled with flaws. They all change throughout the series and this is also something that makes it worth watching. This makes your allegiance towards them change, and having such a strong arch makes even some of the secondary characters as complex as some of the best you've seen on film.

It has a tendency to always go in the direction you never expected, but this always works better for the story and it fits into place with more grace than you've ever imagined.

It took me a while to start watching it because going through a TV series is like starting a relationship. You're going to be seeing this for a good amount of time and it is worth thinking before jumping into it, but believe me this is it. It's the pinnacle of the golden age of television. Enjoy every second. I just wish I could watch it for the first time again and know nothing of what's going to happen.
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