Review of Finale

Smallville: Finale (2011)
Season 10, Episode 21
10 years to wait for this crap!!!!
23 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I am a MASSIVE smallville fan, superman fan in general and watching this "finale" made me feel like I had wasted 10 years watching this show. There are multiple reasons for this. 1) We never actually get to see Clark in the superman costume. Yes we see him open his shirt to reveal an "S", but that's basically it. We then just see the typical Blur of smallville fly to a planet and casually push it out of the way. Which brings me to point 2... 2) It's all too easy. Basically it's ridiculous to think that even a being as strong as powerful superman could just push a whole planet away with such ease! REALLY!!! as much as we hate to admit us, we like to see him struggle, it makes things a whole lot more interesting. 3) Flight! We saw Clark fly more in season 4 when he breaks into Lex's plane then we did in this final episode. We see him float for a bit in the barn, fly for like 3 seconds and the rest is just a blur flying through the sky. I understand it may have been expensive to shoot someone flying but it's the FINAL EPISODE!!! I could forgive the sub-par graphics of smallville up until now, but this episode is what they've been building up to for 10 years, and all we get is the stupid blur effect. What the hell? 4) Lex. I love Michael Rosenbaum as Lex Luthor and the only redeeming quality about this episode is that he is in it. And for that I am truly grateful. But... basically giving him a "forget potion" was just plain ridiculous! I understand that they needed to make Lex forget that Clark is Superman, but I'm certain there must be a better way to do so. FINALLY 5) The glasses. Are people in this DC universe BLIND?!?!? Clark Kent is famous for his glasses. And yes its ridiculous to begin with that no one recognises him, but we buy into it. However, you can't just start wearing glasses right near the end and then when you take them off no one recognises you? Realistically they should have made Clark wear glasses from season 1 or 2 so that at least people would get used to seeing him in glasses so that when he does take them off that at least he'll be SLIGHTLY unrecognisable. I do apologise for the rant on this episode. But I think that the writers just gave up near the end of season 10 and tried to rush everything.
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