Pacific Rim (2013)
One of the worst / most stupid movies I have ever seen
6 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If you are not in a coma or if you are over the age of 8 don't go see this movie. It is terrible. On the other hand, if you are under the age of 8 I think you will like it! In short, this is a movie for kids, not for adults.

So what is wrong with it? Everything.

1. Acting is terrible.

Mostly poor acting. The relationships in the movie are hard to relate to. The characters are impossible to relate to. Actually, the acting of the two scientists is so bad it makes the others seem not so bad after all.

2. Most details of the plot are terrible.

Giant monsters come through the ocean floor from another dimension and kill millions of people. That seems like something that could be a fun science fiction action movie. But, how did they get there? How do they survive the pressure and heat? How do their skeletons handle the enormous weight of their bodies when they come out of the water? Well, apparently they did and they do all of that. Let's just accept it.

How do the smartest men on earth decide to defend against these monsters? By building giant robots called Jaegers that punch them. However, the monsters have skin and horns that are tougher than steel so nothing much happens when they are punched. So when you build your robot you make sure it's steel has the appropriate strength, right? Wrong. Let's make them really fragile so the hull can easily be breached. Yes!!

It turns out (somewhere in the later parts of the movie) that the monsters can be cut in half with knives and killed with fire. Wouldn't it then be a good idea to kill something like this with something that actually works, like an appropriately sized bomb instead? No, let's punch them with these fragile robots. Yes!!

During the debriefing after a fight, let's use the knowledge we have gained during the fight to prepare for the next fight. Wrong! Let's not learn anything. Yes!!

When the monsters are attacked by airplanes and helicopters they fly so close that the monsters can punch them. Who, with just the tiniest amount of survival instinct, would fly a plane like that?

Most of the fighting takes place in the ocean. Since the hulls of the robots are so easily breached let's protect the pilots with at least some sort of oxygen mask! Wrong! Let's not do that!! Let them instead drown. Yes!!

Some fighting takes place under water where vision is extremely poor. So let's equip the robots with state of the art systems to detect monsters, so pilots aren't surprised by monsters sneaking up on them. Wrong! Let them use their own eyes. The result is they don't see much and are constantly surprised by attacks they were unaware of. Yes!!

Since fighting can be tiring for the pilots, shouldn't we try to make the way they control the robots as effortless as possible? Wrong! Let's put them in heavy suits of metal and attach them to giant mechanical constructions. Yes!!

Why are the pilots inside the robots to begin with? Because wireless data transmission doesn't work in the future, right? Well it turns out it does work. But let's try and make a system where if the robot is destroyed the pilots are killed. Yes!!

Robots are controlled partially with the mind by something called "drifting". One person using all of his brain for drifting would put too much strain on him. This is just the way the robot "drifting" system works. Let's not rebuild that system. Let's instead rebuild the entire robot so that we need two pilots in each. Yes!!

To pilot a robot it seems you need to use "drifting". However, nowhere in the movie do you see any pilot controlling anything through the mind. But let's keep it because it is cool. Yes!!

Since we are equipping the robots with a few weapons shouldn't we try to make the launch mechanism fast? Wrong! Let's make sure there is enough time for the monsters to rip the weapons from the robot before it fires. Yes!!

Let's lift these 2000 tonne robots with 8 helicopters. Because 5 tonnes of lifting force x 8 helicopters = 2000 tonnes of lifting force and that will work, right? Yes!!

When fighting in a city let's walk over a few hundred cars and through a few buildings because that is a really funny thing to do and hopefully there are no people there anyway. Yes!!

Sometimes when they need to talk or reflect on life or whatever the monsters will wait for them to finish before they attack again. On the other hand, how else could the actors finish what they have to say? Yes!!

In the very beginning of the movie, the leaders of the world have realized how ineffective the robots are. So they instead decide to build walls to protect cities from the monsters. Because monsters can't climb, right? And people only live in cities, right? The construction is based on extensive analysis of the monsters bone and muscle structure to make sure the walls are strong enough, right? Wrong!

CGI effects in this movie are realistic and cool. The visual effects are extremely well done. However, since the plot and the story and some of the acting is so poor it really makes you wonder. If there are all these talented people doing CGI effects, why were there no other talented people involved in making this movie?

To summarize. Mankind is portrayed as extremely stupid. Good CGI effects. Poor directing. Poor acting. Poor story-line. Avoid.
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