Fine movie
6 October 2013
I have always felt strongly that the story of Americans of Japanese ancestry needed to be told, at least regarding those issues during the WWII era. I intensely dislike using hyphenated terms, but for this review I think it's necessary The courage of Japanese American troops during WWII can not be disputed - their records stands for itself. Usually their wartime story revolves around their service in Europe, but many Japanese Americans also served in the Pacific theater.

This film did a fine job of depicting their war time sacrifices, and likewise some of their conflicted emotions regarding the treatment being meted out to their families back home. My only problem with this movie, and normally this is not an issue, was the fact that many of the parts were played by people who were not Japanese Americans. I plan on purchasing this film so that I can watch it again.

Frankly, I get almost sick to my stomach each time I watch movies of this type depicting Japanese Americans and how they were treated. To think that our country would commit such a despicable act is almost beyond belief. "Snow Falling on the Cedars" is another movie that is difficult to watch for the same reason. Shame and God's judgement will undoubtedly fall on those who took advantage of this disgusting event in our history. I know I could neither try, nor even think of profiting in such a way.
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