Besharam (2013)
only a Besharam can make a crap like this...with such a good cast
9 October 2013
watched BESHARAM ..I am not quite sure that its makers are filthy rich..well even if they are they can't be very rich after this flick..cause its awful...its like they just wake up one day & said ""hey guys lets make a movie today..& while we'r at it lets make it with the best cast in the industry(today)..& songs put sh!tload of songs in it..story?? f**k story..just make a movie"" this kinda attitude of makers slaps you in the face while watching it...I'm not fan of retard n double meaning Comedy/ies but this is way worse than those(least they do their best)..BUT they these people wasted their extremely talented cast with their sh!t plot n script(still cast did what they could_I gave it 2* just cause of them) AND more importantly 2+hours of your has nothing, nothing to watch

I say _DO NOT WATCH_ no matter what happens
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