Kate Bosworth and Josh Duhamel are boring together
4 November 2013
Rosalee Futch (Kate Bosworth), Pete Monash (Topher Grace), and Cathy Feely (Ginnifer Goodwin) are best friends and co-workers at the local Piggly Wiggly. Pete secretly pines for Rosalee, and Cathy's the ugly best friend. Tad Hamilton (Josh Duhamel) is a big movie star with a shallow life. To rehab his image, they create a contest to win a date with Tad Hamilton.

Kate Bosworth is way too hot at the start. They've got to ugly her up and do a big makeover when she gets to Hollywood. And the truth is the dates with Tad Hamilton aren't the most compelling watch. Bosworth and Duhamel are really really pretty people. They are fine actors but they're completely overshadowed by the much more funny Topher Grace. The movie shines with Topher. The best scene comes when Toper and Duhamel have a shirt off. He's the only truly funny thing about this movie. Sean Hayes and Nathan Lane are annoying little cartoons as Tad Hamilton's people. Ginnifer Goodwin does a few funny lines but she doesn't have enough to do. They need to cut short the dates, and invest the time with the 4 main characters together.
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