An extraordinary look into the German psyche.
6 November 2013
Most historical documentaries consist of film clips and recreations telling a larger story. This is, in many ways, the 'official' story--one that is interesting but detached in many ways. However, with "Third Reich" The Rise and Fall", something extraordinary has happened--the filmmakers have NOT used government films precedence but home movies showing the average person! These color home movies do a wonderful job of showing German life and how the people saw the things leading to World War Two as well as the war itself. It also does something important--it explains the thinking of the Germans at the time and how they justified the unjustifiable. As a result, you see the progression from a reasonable people to the monsters they eventually became. Because of this, it shows a much more interesting look at the people and times--the times as seen by the common man and showing clips that are surprising--such as clips of Oktoberfest just before the invasion of Czechoslovakia, children dressing up like soldiers and sending letters to their beloved leader and other children watching trainloads of Jews heading to death camps...as they waved! In addition, there are a few films made by journalists in Germany and Poland which show you what you won't see in other films--not just the horrors but the German adoration for their Fuhrer.

You really have to commend the folks who made this--it must have taken an incredible amount of effort to collect all these film and make the extraordinarily interesting film. Well worth seeing, compelling and a WWII documentary that is so different from all the rest. However, because you will see atrocities in the later portions of the documentary that were proudly filmed by the Nazi soldiers, it is NOT recommended for viewing by children. So, be forewarned.
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