Hunter: Night on Bald Mountain (1987)
Season 4, Episode 5
Just Terrible
27 November 2013
"Night on Bald Mountain" is, up until it, the worst episode of the series.

From the wooden acting, poorly delivered lines, clichéd characters, and unoriginal clichéd BOO! moments, the episodes offers little and is a pale substitute for any Whodunit? murder mysteries set in a mansion, that you may have seen in film and television before.

The characters are as unoriginal as could be for such a setting, down to the lazy rich kids, the cold wife, and the quiet old maid, all coincidently stuck in the mansion because of adverse weather. Oh, did I mention the mansion has secret passage ways? Yes, yet another in a long line of unoriginal clichés. It's pretty bad when the best acting from any of the guest cast, stems from the old maid's two or three brief lines. It's no coincidence that the acting of Hunter and McCall skyrockets when they are away from everybody else.

The episode offers nothing, slogs along boringly, fizzles out at the climax, and ends how it began: unspectacularly.

If you've seen CLUE 100 times, well, avoid this and go see CLUE for the 101th time. Works for me.
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