" Classic Audie Murphy "
4 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Bullet for a Badman offers a decent storyline along with a sufficient amount of action to keep this story moving at a good pace. Interesting characters are the key to this film, and Audie Murphy gives a solid performance playing an ex-lawman, married to a woman who has a young son. Murphy's character is obliged to pick up his gun and go after an outlaw who was once a friend. Darren McGavin plays the outlaw who was once married to Murphy's wife and the boy is his son. The story follows Murphy and a posse tracking down McGavin who has committed a robbery, and he also holds a grudge against Murphy for raising his son as his own. The posse contains an excellent mixture of characters all well portrayed and lovely actress Ruta Lee adds some interest playing Mcgavin's girl. Add some hostile Apaches, some shoot outs, some twists and turns among the characters along with beautiful scenery, and Bullet for a Badman comes off as a satisfying western. Not a classic film, but very classic Audie Murphy, and thats good enough for me.
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