On the Job (2013)
one of the best local films I've seen and definitely a favorite.
12 January 2014
This movie is beautiful despite the fact that it depicts the dirtier aspects of our country - geographically, politically, socially speaking. Seriously, this movie is a must-see for everybody. I wish I see more of this in mainstream Pinoy cinemas. Everything is well put together, the music is exciting, the editing and cinematography is professionally done, the story is tight, the camera-work is engaging (a work of art, a labor of love. It's that good), the opening scene captures your attention, and the ending leaves you satisfied (or wanting more). It's perfect.

  • read my full review on Blogger: http://strangereview.blogspot.com/2014/01/on-job- 2013.html#sthash.GKoXwyiy.dpuf
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