Rewards the more patient horror fan with a scurrilous selection of screw-headed set pieces!
23 January 2014
This terrifically trashy, but frequently fun low budget B-Horror is riotously replete with maniacal aunts and all manner of spooky, crudely exploitative Italianate B-horror lunacy! Produced by esteemed horror icon Lucio Fulci, starring charismatic actor Gabriele Tinti, and directed with 'relative' competency by Euro-cult hero Mario 'Satan's Baby Doll' Bianchi. While Mario Bianchi's initially tepid creepshow 'The Murder Secret' takes a wee while to come to the B-Movie boil, but when it finally reaches body temperature it righteously rewards the more patient horror fan with a scurrilous selection of screw-headed set pieces!

The benign inclusion of a tantalizing shower scene luridly exposing the gratifyingly buxom assets of super-starlet Jessica Moore effectively increases the film's more aggressively voyeuristic content! 'The Murder Secret' is no less bemusing a proposition than many of the Fulci/Lenzi helmed horror films from the same era, and might be more essential to those obsessive B-Movie mavens compelled to watch every gonzo, blood-spattered Italian horror made in the 80s! Happily, there is just enough warped, schlocky shenanigans in 'The Murder Secret' to merit a single viewing, and the distractingly zesty electronic score by maestro Gianni Esposito certainly didn't go unnoticed! Perhaps it might be time for a comprehensive Bianchi Blu-ray horror box set? In addition, ardent Lucio Fulci fans might care to note that this was one of the six films that had its bloodier elements edited into his audaciously skewed splatter masterpiece 'A Cat in The Brain'.
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