One Shot: The Consultant
4 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
(see original at http://cobyscomics.blogspot.com/2014/02/thor.html)

In the first of what is now a super-fun tradition, Marvel released a short film called a "One Shot" with the DVD of Thor. After seeing way too much Agent Coulson in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV, it was nice to go back and watch this One Shot, where he is still the fast-talking, mysterious secret agent type with all the answers. I'm glad I watched this so soon after the Incredible Hulk, otherwise everything Coulson and Sitwell talked about would've gone way over my head. It nicely tied up any loose ends from the Incredible Hulk, mentioning that Blonsky/Abomination is still locked away and S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to keep him that way, so they send Tony Stark to spoil his release by talking with "Thunderbolt" Ross. This also explains just what the heck Tony was doing in the post-credits scene of the Incredible Hulk.
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