Relationships Are Challenging But Aren't Impossible To Maintain
24 February 2014
Saw About Last Night starring Kevin Hart, Michael Ealy, Regina Hall, and Joy Bryant tonight at Regal Cinemas! This movie was "Rated R" and had a mix of everything from comedy with profanity, partying, extreme alcohol consumption leading to sex with a hangover, mild nudity, romantic love scenes, cute moments, break-up moments which were part of the emotional twist, and finally, make-up sessions which sealed the emotional twist deal of the film.

There were two couples, "Bernie" played by Kevin Hart and "Joan" by Regina Hall and "Danny" played by Michael Ealy and "Debbie" by Joy Bryant. The extreme differences in relationship goals between the couples were very evident. "Bernie's" relationship was all about "scoring" with the ladies and the sex for most of the movie and "Danny's" was more focused on building something to last for more than a one-night stand. I can definitely respect that because it's something I've tried to do with very little success thus far in my life.

The movie portrays relationship scenarios where challenges such as "Going Steady" with someone and moving in together, combined with trying to get a career started can present stress within "couple's life." Making meaningful moves and taking chances is necessary in-order to make things happen while attempting to move things forward; and as I learned from this movie, and in real life, sometimes things don't work out quite the way you would expect OR want, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for forgiveness and second chances for success. A little effort from both people can lead to great things and happy endings!

I took away three main things from the film. First was that alcohol isn't necessary to have a good time with someone. Second, sex isn't the only factor a relationship should be based on, and finally; communication, trust, and loyalty are paramount in any relationship, including friendships. This was definitely a "Chick Flick," but ladies, take your man with you because I would recommend this movie for couples, even though I saw it alone; especially if you like double-dating. I give it a cinema score of 8/10. http://www.aboutlastnightmovie.com/ #maverickradio™
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