Camp Takota (2014)
Great Movie, Great People, Great Everything. Did I mention this movie was great?
14 February 2014
I, like so many others, have been waiting for this movie since it was announced at VidCon 2013. I watched Grace's "Behind The Scenes" vlogs and kept apprised on the Camp Takota website. I had great expectations from the get go.

Having now watched it (twice) I can tell you that this movie lived up at all the hype and blew me away. It was full of sassy one liners you can always expect from the incomparable Mamrie Hart. It had a few nods to Hannah's wonderful (or should I say "punderful") MDK-esque jokes. And Grace Helbig got to showcase that her acting range far surpasses a run of commercials for Lowes!

It was so wonderful to see the girls as new characters as opposed to their well known online personas. And while it did have some moments tailored to their online audience, it has incredible mass appeal. The movie has hart (not a typo), guys. It's funny, it's charming, it's everything you'd want as a Valentine only it costs $9.99, which is a hell of a lot better than shelling out big bucks for a dinner for two and some shitty, forced conversation.

If you're a subscriber to any of their Youtube channels, there is no need for me to say "go get this movie!" because you've all known about it since the tag line was "". But, if you are new to The Holy Trinity fandom, I suggest you fork over your ten bucks and help these talented ladies (and the entire crew) change the way films are distributed and continue to build the bridge that joins together new and old media. This movie was great. I'm blown away by it. Everyone involved in this picture should be glowing with pride today, because they deserve it!
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