Secrets in the Walls (2010 TV Movie)
I don't ask much from a Lifetime movie but...
5 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Let me summarize the first part of the movie quickly:

Single woman with two kids moves into dilapidated, old mansion she gets cheap because the owner is out of town, inherited it and just wants to sell it quickly.

A slightly clairvoyant youngest daughter who can sense and see things that no one else can who everyone thinks is just frightened of a new place.

Happy –go-lucky scenes to begin with complete with a renovation scene with happy family rock and dancing ala "Cheaper by the Dozen" (the new one with Steve Martin).

A scene of a mysterious hole in the wall that shows a creepy hand after the family stops looking into it.

A creepy music box that plays without being wound. Images of creepy, dead people suddenly appearing in the mirror or behind a doorway that the victim doesn't originally see. …except for the slightly clairvoyant youngest daughter who gets terrorized nd still not believed.

Unexplained bloody nose. Creaking doors and flickering lights.

Sudden scaring of the older daughter and doors that suddenly jam with scary music being played and the older daughter that now BELIEEEEEVES! But is of course written off as simply being stressed out.

The slightly clairvoyant little girl who realizes the scary dead girl ghost "wants us to know something…"

You can probably guess the ending from there. No need to explain the rest. Kind of sad to see Jerri Ryan – 7 of 9, the 'Borg from Star Trek – reduced to this. I love a classic ghost story, but this is so textbook, cookie cutter it would be difficult to scare a 10 year old with it. Quite frankly, I've seen episodes of "A Haunting" which dramatizes slightly famous real-life haunting s that have made popular culture. Even "Ghost Hunters" is more entertaining.

Jerri Ryan seems to have aged more than the 10 years in between Star Trek: Voyager and this movie. :'( And as was said earlier, this does have all the feeling of a great afternoon show for the lady viewers of the Lifetime Network LOL.

But, if you decide you really want to watch this, I'd record it (unless you can find it on Hulu or Netflix) because the 2-hour TV movie is only about 80 minutes after you subtract 40 minutes of commercials using fast-forward. -sigh...-
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