Review of Jamboree!

Jamboree! (1957)
Oh My Gosh, This is Awful!
16 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Hilariously, howlingly bad movie! Supposedly intended for rock 'n' roll audiences, this amazingly wrongheaded movie instead puts bland-beyond-bland crooning couple at its center.

They are managed by two agents, played by actors who are bad beyond belief! Wow. I know this was on late at night on TCM, but I wasn't that drowsy! You think you're hallucinating watching the scenery chewing by the two agent characters and the sleep inducing "performances" by the two young singers.

The "plot" has the two agents breaking up the singing duo, for no reason whatsoever, just to get them back together at the end. Inexplicably, there are actual! musicians involved here, like Jerry Lee Lewis, who just pop in for no discernible reason. Even Dick Clark shows up, hosting a telethon half way through.

This just demonstrates a major studio like Warner Bros. trying desperately to crank out a quicky "rock 'n' roll movie" and not having any idea whatsoever how to do it!


** (2 Out of 10 Stars) = Cinematic Calamity!
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