The Elder Scrolls Online (2014 Video Game)
A mediocre/okay game but it's NOWHERE near being in the same league as WoW, SWTOR or GW2.
17 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
ESO's an "okay" game. It is evidently of higher visual quality than most other MMO's currently. Having said that visuals aren't everything. I'm having a very tough time playing this game, not due to its enormous size, but because you are literally 100 percent dependent on questing. Non-stop. I realize this game isn't Skyrim or Oblivion as the developers were so kind to point out as well but they claimed that it still was a TES game.

I've taken a serious look at this game and honestly that claim is a gross overstatement. TES games have always been about exploring. In this game there is literally no point in exploring. Wanna know why? Because you only explore to FIND MORE QUESTS! Not gear, not rare bosses, just more quests...all day long... doing the same thing non-stop. This game is to me a mindless, unrewarding hack and slash. That could be said for a lot of MMO's yes... but in other MMO's at least it pays off to actually complete certain quests or just go grinding.

About the grinding: Utterly pointless. No loot, no rewards.

Quest dependency corridor style = epic fail.

Also...this is an MMO. Most people playing this will be focusing on rewards and constant improvement. Here you have to do everything yourself. The quest reward system (when actually getting something) is a random loot. Nothing specific to your play style. You could be playing with sword and shield and get a staff as a reward. Thats not cool guys...thats just wasting time.

We need more specific rewards from our quests fitting our preferred playstyles and more of them. GOLD too!! GOD! Getting 1 gold from killing level 15 mobs in this game. SERIOUSLY!?

Also.. this game needs more tutorials! I got the feeling that I was completely on my own in this game. Some players like the hardcore (noone holding your hand through this) type of experience but I like to actually know what the hell I'm doing before being told I have to do everything myself due to the poor quest reward system. More information about professions, dungeons, and such. Hell. You queue for a world event BUT NOTHING POINTS YOU IN THE DIRECTION OF IT! WHY!? I was in a group with 4 people and NONE OF US!! knew where to go. We had to guess and that's not cool! A simple blinking marker on the map would be very much appreciated.

I invested 100$ into this game and I'm gonna get 'em back! I hoped that I could find my money's worth somehow but so far I literally have to FORCE myself to run to the giver... No can do.

It's like MMO repetitive questing on STEROIDS! Once again.. QUEST DEPENDENCY IS NOT COOL! We need more rare bosses spread around the map... we need more LOOT!! WAY MORE LOOT from enemies we kill..not just ONE SINGLE GOLD COIN PER KILL!! It feels lazy and pointless to attack ANY MOB WHATSOEVER if it doesn't have a quest tied to it. No... IT IS pointless. This goes for dungeons too. Bosses = Crap/no loot

In SWTOR (Star wars: The Old Republic) we of course have the same MMO based quests, reward system and so on... BUT...the difference in SWTOR is that not only are the rewards you get of actual use to you... but you actually care about the NPC's who give them to you. You pay attention to the dialog (unless it's in a heroic..mostly) which brings me to the fact that the fully voiced feature in ESO is UTTERLY POINTLESS because i found myself and a TON of others just skipping the dialogs just to get to the QUEST or just to get the reward WHICH TYPICALLY SUCKS because its of no use to your character.

SWTOR has story, rewards and even though its clearly not as big as ESO, it feels more rewarding and fun to play because you never lose focus of your development. In ESO its after even pick up more quests as you try to reach another quest. YOU'RE DROWNING IN QUESTS and its wearing me down badly. Less quests, more rewards, MORE ACTUAL EXPLORATION without it being quest related!

I rate this game a 5 based not on its performance or visuals. This 5 is based on the super lackluster, boring, pointless gameplay which is NOT up to todays MMO standards nor player expectations The game is extremely streamlined without any innovation in regard to character development.

If you're not rewarded for running dozens of miles in every direction for HOURS on end then what is the point of playing this game. Nice visuals? No thanks. This game is sooo boring! Clickfest FTW!

ESO game play feels like early World of Warcraft without the charm. It's rough around the edges and feels very spread. The overall agenda of which is clear in WoW or SWTOR (Fighting for the alliance or the Sith Empire) is very tough to detect here. Am I supposed to care for the factions I chose? I don't. I could't care less. GEAR!! WE NEED GEAR! and we want it without having to make it ourselves NON STOP.!

This game is simply NOT up to date. Graphics yes... gameplay no. Want fun GAMING...go play WoW or GW2 or SWTOR. Those games are preferable to this by a LONG SHOT. If ESO is to survive by TODAYS MMO STANDARDS we need ACTUAL exploration, more non quest related content, better rewards and easier access to gold.

PVE is bare bones!

To me it's plain as day that ZeniMax have no idea how to create a modern or any MMO.

And why are horse prices set at 40-50k. tell me Zinemax... Who at lvl 10 have 50k gold. No one!! You're just encouraging gold farmers and buyers. Epic Fail!
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