The Double (2013)
Duelistic nature of self?
5 May 2014
Great soundtrack. That's an impression. Superb acting given the nature of both subject and a slippery theme. Another impression. Difficult material by writers such as Dostoyevsky are deeply profound, dark reading and, as such, are a challenge to adapt to screen. A reference to Brazil is appropriate at a glance given the setting and camera work. Emulation is not flattery, but observance. Direction, camera values are not nuance, but intentional. That this film was not commercially successful points out it's import. Ironic.

That said, multiple viewings may bring even more appreciation of the story and how it is purveyed. Don't we all have someone inside that wishes to break the mold within which society cast us? Cut the strings, evolve back? Kudos to cast and crew as this theme is hard to evoke on film in a manner that engages both of us. Me and me.

Not for every viewer, but certainly for those that can see inside and out with doubt. Bravo.
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