This Won't Be Breaking Bad or True Detective... But It's Gonna Be (the good) 24. What else You Want?
5 May 2014
Since the original series premiered in 2001 and ended in 2010 the television has changed too much. TV Shows like Breaking Bad or the newest True Detective (just only with its powerful and unique Season one) showed than the gold era of the small screen wasn't dead and the bar could be raised far beyond the sky. That kind of shows included a truly intense and masterful psychological touches in the personality of its characters and in its stories. That stories and characters kept growing and growing never stopping challenging the audience (and our hype). A TV show like 24 had that amazing point in its era... until the last three seasons ruined it all. A show like 24 can't be a psychological show or an incredibly intelligent show because of its limited plot. In the first seasons the menaces were global but very intimating, close to the main character (the invincible Jack Bauer)and truly intense and groundbreaking to the television. But if the plot and the type of storyline were becoming repetitive since the beginning as a mechanical of the series, the last three seasons were truly disappointing in that terms. After a masterpiece like Season 5 was (in the same level of the very first one) the next season was make just for business and money reasons. Without a proper storyline and repetitive action, the show began its downfall. Season 7 was good. Very good. Could be one of the most entertaining of the series and the truly remarkable season of the last three. But it was no Series 1-5. And Season 8... Despite the last ten episodes were tense and heartbreaking, overall was disappointing and without the strength that a final season (like Breaking Bad, for example) could and MUST have. The ending could be fine to the season, but not very much for the series. And if the way was marked by a feature movie... Guys, don't call it an ending. Just say that it's a transition to make more money.

The movie didn't came out and the time was expiring. Then the miniseries appeared. I was truly happy with the plot and the teasers. In fact, the first episodes confirmed me that. 24 is back in the most entertaining of its ways. It could not be that masterpiece and that surprising fresh air of the Days 1 to 5, but it's truly better than the last seasons. We don't see Jack Bauer do extremely creative things, okay. It's running, escaping from his custody after being trapped by the CIA (IN A VERY COOL WAY THAT I WONT SPOIL), stopping attacks and trying to clean his name and helping his friends (?) (although this time he claims that he has no friends at all... and that could be truth).

24: Live Another Day is not truly original or innovative. By the first episodes, it's 24 compressed in 12 episodes. It's more of the same but with a plenty of energy and in the half of time. That allows to the show to be more flexible, to cut off poor story lines (the very weak point of the original series!), and to deliver the whole plot in a faster and (could be) better way. In fact, the most distinctive change from the original series is the jumping forward in the time. I think I remember that after the first episode that begins. And if the creators and writers take it in the best of the ways that could deliver a lot of chills, false clues and twists along the predictable way. Also is a clear opportunity to send off the (incomplete) plot of the Final Season of the original series recurring to "lost characters" (Audrey and Heller, for example) and with a more attractive plot than the typical nuclear bomb. This time, the drones and the leaks give us chills and it's treated in a very interesting way (at least, in the first episodes). In that terms, I'm very happy to say that Live Another Day delivers. I hope that this won't be ruined by the end of the miniseries.

And finally... My dilemma. The final day or not? Well, I'm a fan of 24. Really. But I wish this could the truly final day of Jack Bauer. He survives or dies... He is walking under the sun with a lover or going to the hospital dying... I'm risky, but I think that another season or another miniseries "if this is successful" it's not a proper treating for this or any show. Every story has an end. And I personally think that Live Another Day (if continues the same rhythm and the same top notch quality from its powerful start) could be that awesome final season that we didn't received in 2010. I clearly think that could be a very good end to Jack Bauer. Live Another Day could be the perfect movie to end Jack Bauer story in a happy or sad way. If the creators want a spin off with Kate Morgan (such an interesting character) okay, I let it go on. But let Bauer apart. The business is not a way to treat a show like this. It's only the way to drop it down in quality and excitement (look at Season 6 and the first half of 8, please).

The performances are terrific, the action is like a big budget movie, the tension is awesome and the storyline is not original but very good on its own terms. The menaces are more palpable and different from the usual ones (VERY GOOD!) at least until episode 3 (although I won't be surprised by the future moles, possible bombs... to come).

Let's hope that 24: Live Another Day would be an excellent miniseries, a rushing season and that last season that we didn't got when we need it.

Sorry for my English. I'm trying really hard to improve.
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