Review of The After

The After (2014 TV Movie)
Keeps you interested up to the last minute
10 May 2014
Stylewise this is not your usual Chris Carter fare. This is a very modern looking story, it looks like Chris has not lost his knack for creating TV shows that fit right into the times.

The millennium has come and gone. Or has it? This story is a typical day in a woman's life, that turns strange in one second.

In this pilot one of the characters makes a conjecture about what the end times really will be like. Have we really read the book of Revelation and considered what it really says in there?

Because if we really have read it, then we really should be scared. But should we be scared about supernatural entities, aliens and other Chris Carter phenomena, or should we be scared of each other?

In this bloodcurdling pilot, it shows that we should be worried about both. Some people think evil comes from the devil himself, other people think that evil comes from man. Maybe both statements are true and maybe both are false.

"The after" explores this question and keeps us asking more questions until the very last scene. Interestingly, the show was created by which I've never heard of creating entertainment like this, I don't know if this is a web-only show or if this is going to be shown on any channels. But, I like it and I really want to see more.

One thing to look for is imagery from Chris Carter's show "millennium".
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