Film Geek (2005)
Has Some Flaws but It's Certainly Charming
11 May 2014
Film Geek (2005)

*** (out of 4)

Extremely uneven but slightly entertaining look at film buff Scotty Pelk (Melik Malkasian) who finds his life going nowhere when he's fired from his video store job. Things start to look up when he meets a young woman (Tyler Gannon) who appears to have a love for movies as well. FILM GEEK, by the title alone, is a movie that film buffs are going to want to check out and while there are some nice ideas scattered throughout, there's no doubt that a much better movie could be made on the subject. With that said, there's no question that I found a lot of it to be charming and even got a couple nice laughs out of it. I'm sure most film buffs will laugh when they see Scotty trying to explain "black bars" to someone who doesn't care or seeing him trying to talk two teenage girls into checking out foreign films. I think the nature of Scotty's knowledge is rather ordinary as far as a film buff goes but it's still fun just seeing someone with a love for film. Throughout the movie we get some text on the screen showing off some of Scotty's favorite directors and their top five movies. With that said, there's no question that there's more heart in the film than actual greatness. The lead character is extremely nerdy to say the least and he certainly has a lot more problems than just his love for movies. They probably could have toned this down some but at the same time Malkasian is extremely good in the part. The supporting cast doesn't feature any great performances but they all fit their roles nicely. FILM GEEK isn't a complete success but considering its budget, the thing kept me entertained.
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