Jack Ryan as a thinking man's action hero
11 May 2014
For John Clancy purists and die hard Harrison Ford fans, there can be no movie to match your expectations. I've read the books, and seen every Harrison Ford movie, but I can't agree with the negative reviews. I liked Jack Ryan as a thinking man's action hero. Was it perfect? No. Will I watch the next in this series? You bet! The older Jack Ryan movies had a much more limited action budget. I thought there were too many fights, shootouts and car chases in this one. However, the younger Jack Ryan, played by Chris Pine, has physical courage to match his intellectual and moral courage. He figures out where the bad guys are heading, just like the Alec Baldwin/Harrison Ford Jack Ryans. The difference here is that once this Jack Ryan finds the bad guys, he beats them up.

The second half of the movie does not equal the first half. The first half introduces and explores the characters. The last half is more like a James Bond movie. Boom. Bang. Crash. Shoot, bang, bang. The goofy grin on Chris Pine's face at the end is worth the wait.
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