Star-Crossed (2014)
"This show is for everyone." - Not sure who this everyone is.
16 May 2014
Season one is over and here are some of my thoughts and comments. A lot of the reviews here are rather emotional responses so let me try to add some substance.

I have watched an interview with Matt, Aimee and Grey, where Matt was asked to describe the new series. His response was something like this: "It has this great...sci-fi elements. And a Romeo-Juliet kind of romance. And of course, a love triangle. It is for everyone, really."

Regarding this statement I would only like to point out that for someone who loves sci-fi this will come as a complete nonsense fulfilled with never-ending inaccuracy. It can, certainly, be overlooked up to a certain extend, not sure if this is the case, though. This sci-fi part of the story is simply not intriguing enough.

For someone looking for solid romance, again, Star-Crossed fails to deliver. It has nothing out of the ordinary, it is not deep enough. And I am well aware of the fact this is a CW TV show, so we should keep our standards at a lower level. Beauty and the Beast performs much better regarding the love stuff. Cliché, cliché everywhere! Lame. (the best chemistry here ironically goes to Taylor and Drake)

For action lovers the show lacks a story that is thought through. The plot twists are either not surprising enough or they do not make any sense (sometimes both). It is also annoying if a character constantly switches allegiance and has inconsistent behavior (talking about Teri in particular but also have my doubts about Grayson) and it has nothing to do with the occasional mental breakdown or whatever you like to call it we all experience from time to time. Looking for action? Better tune in for the Arrow. This is lame.

In conclusion, Star-Crossed is just another teen TV show applying some sci-fi features into the storyline because, apparently, it is very hip nowadays. Also, when is casting 30-year-olds to play high schoolers finally gonna end? It is annoying. Either hire younger actors or move the setting to college, I don't see a problem with that (don't worry, teens will still watch!).

There are better CW shows in my opinion. It does not deserve its current rating albeit not being horrible per se. Seeing the first episodes, I am guessing the show is not going to evolve but revolve around the same and therefore, won't last long. So this "something for everyone" may actually result in something literally for no one.
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