Aqua Teen Hunger Force (2000–2023)
One of the greatest shows of all time
24 July 2014
Aqua teen hunger force is an amazing comedy. Yes, this is true. But this is not the only reason they are the one of the greatest shows of all time. They were the first ever to do anything remotely like this. Their brand of offbeat, surreal comedy inspired much of the future programming that would become adult swims signature style. Its nonsensical, non canonical story lines and overly absurd characters to the point of parody (if only we could figure out what it was supposed to parody) earned it a cult following and many if not all of the "villains" are instantly memorable for their own individual quirks. Its without a doubt one of the greatest cartoons of all time, and it hasn't grown soft in its later years. 10 seasons in, and its still going strong. Thats probably because there is a practically infinite potential for their extremely absurdist format, a show that can feature a talking watermelon one episode and a closet to a narnia like fantasy land the next.

One of my favorite things about this show is how ultimately useless everyone in the entire show is. Everyone. Its really painted very well in "the last one" where the mooninites host whats basically a punch social for everyone who's ever mingled with the aqua teens, the cybernetic ghost of Christmas past from the future, the brownie monsters, major shake, MC P pants, etc. And you get to see how each of their weird personality traits clash amongst one another and they fail to come up with a single plan that isn't completely ridiculous or batshît crazy. And then there's the main characters, meatwad is stupid and overly trusting, master shake is stupid and narcissistic, and Frylock is the only smart one but no one even listens to him. And then there's their next door neighbor carl, who could practically have the entire show be based around him and it still be hilarious. He's the one all the crazy shît happens to, inconveniently, frequently and completely non-consensually. And he's balding foul mouth pervert who likes beer football and strippers and rock and roll. Episodes with a lot of Carl usually make for good episodes, like the recent episode "Robots Everywhere" where a group of terrible mannered hyperactive robots rent the aqua teens house while they're away and torment Carl with various nonsensical tests. Its hard not to think about that episode and laugh and i've seen it like 3 times. Carl is also home to various wisdoms and man-isms, such as "Friendship isn't about trust. Friendship is about nunchucks." and "Yeah we'll iron this out. Let me go get my iron. My tire iron. To iron out your face". The other main reason to watch this show is meatwad, the lovable but idiotic ball of meat that transforms into basically nothing useful ever. Its especially fun to see him on an ego trip, which ironically isn't out of character for his generally good natured and happy go lucky self. memorable lines include: "Look outside bitçh. I'm EVERYWHERE." and "BITÇH WHERE IS MY POPSICLE?"
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