Irreversible (2002)
Cinematic Nihilism
31 July 2014
I went back and forth, debating whether or not to award Irreversible a ten-star or one-star rating. There is no middle ground; this film can only inspire love or hate. No one will find it merely "okay." Ultimately, I decided to award a perfect rating just because of the visceral reaction I had. I appreciated Irreversible, but that doesn't mean I always enjoyed watching it. There were times I wanted to shut off my television, the pictures on screen becoming too graphic and upsetting, but I didn't. When I finally reached the end (or is it the beginning of this twisty narrative?) I felt like I had accomplished something great just by absorbing the frames of this film. This is not an easy watch, and I don't know if I'll ever want to revisit it again, but I would recommend to those who have a strong stomach and a taste for twisted cinema.
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