This movie sucks.
5 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The Angry Video game Nerd (AVGN) is a popular internet icon that found his fame by reviewing old video games. Some of the Nerd's (James Rolfe) reviews are great classics like Bugs Bunny and Batman for old video game consoles. For this movie? He obviously wasn't thinking straight.

At first it seemed like a good movie. It's very different from the Nerd's classic video game reviewing style. Some of the classic reviews featured guest speakers, but this movie's first problem occurs when a character named Cooper appears.

Why does this need to happen? Cooper's character feels completely unnecessary and was never established in any previous review or within this movie itself. How would you like it if you were watching a movie, when suddenly a random character appears without any introduction or development? Why did James Rolfe think this would be a good idea? Did he think it would be more realistic? This is quite possibly one of the most annoying things any movie could do. Although Cooper is constantly trying to convince the Nerd to review an old ATARI video game, E.T., but Cooper feels very shallow, as a character, while constantly trying to do this.

Why does the Nerd constantly complain and refuse to review the E.T. game, despite Cooper and Mandi's constant nagging, when he's reviewed horrible game titles in the past (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde).

Many of the comedy elements in this movie feel like cheap gags, such as the General Dark Onward getting his arms cutoff by accidents as he attempts to pursue the Nerd, throughout the majority of the movie. Another cheap gag was Cooper's character falling from houses and off cliffs, filmed using a dummy.

One of the worst things about this movie was how the character Mandi was handled. She is constantly placed on the receiving end of jokes. By the time Mandi is thrown-up on, used as a cheap "sounds like innuendo in the next room but actually isn't" joke, captured by the General Dark Onward and abandoned when she needed help- I actually felt bad for Mandi. The "Nerds before birds" gag didn't add up to any of the fun in this movie.

In the movie, the actual review of E.T. doesn't take place until during the end credits. Any fan of the Nerd knows that the entire episode shows the video game review is meant to be the main element. The AVGN tradition is meant to go like this: the nerd introduces an old classic video game, spending the majority of the time talking about the game's worst flaws, while swearing and throwing fits of rage. The actual E.T. review lacks many of these nuanced elements. Perhaps this movie would have been better if it featured a series of about four reviews? Rather than an entire movie entirely focused on one?

Some of the puzzles are too hard to figure out. Take this dead end, for example. Would you guess you have to pass through this wall? How? You have to kneel down with a red crystal and....oops, one sec...

Most of the characters have things to say which aren't important at all. So why pay attention to them? The giant robot that appears, while looking cool despite the low budget, felt adjacent to the actual plot and felt one-dimensional.

The ending sucks too.
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