Gun Woman (2014)
Reservoir Dogs Meets La Femme Nikita
16 September 2014
I understand the bad reviews.

The movie is gritty, not glossy and high budget. Not everyone enjoys Quentin Tarantino style dialog and plot twists. There's more blood and mindless killing than a Hollywood blockbuster, and it's graphic. For most of the movie, Asami is either naked or has her slim Japanese breasts exposed. It's not erotic, even in her soft porn sex scenes. She's usually covered in dirt, mud or blood. I understand why many reviewers rated this below a 5.

I gave it an 8. Every good movie needs a villain, and Gun Woman has one of the most despicable villains I've seen. I hated his face, his eyes, his insane smile. Like the protagonists, I wanted to see him dead.

The Asami character is borrowed (stolen) from La Femme Nikita and the Bridget Fonda Americanized version, Point of No Return. This did not trouble me. Like Nikita, she's found broken, rehabilitated and trained. This was realistic and fun to watch, except when it got too bloody. The flowing blood was a metaphor for Life and Death, but I am squeamish and found it hard to watch.

The ending is straight out of early M. Night Shyamalan movies. You just don't see it coming.

This is not a character driven movie. The only character who changes is Gun Woman herself, and that isn't important to the movie. It tells a story of vengeance and redemption covering 3 generations. Unlike more highly rated features, it has a beginning, middle and end. "No Country For Old Men" won a Best Picture award and have an ending. If you are open-minded, can endure the blood letting and love a good vengeance movie with a surprise ending, Gun Woman is a different and rewarding experience.
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