Hard to like because the leading lady is a jerk-face.
1 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers

Frances Grant plays Nancy, a not particularly likable and oddly desirable woman who lies in order to get a job as a stenographer. Because her last name is Tilton, the manager thinks she's related to THE Tiltons, some rich society swells. Now taking the job in such a situation is dishonest, but it was the Depression and she needed work...so I guess I could forgive this. However, soon Nancy and a co-worker, Trixie, begin arguing about a guy--and Trixie tells her to keep her hands off the guy. So, Nancy deliberately tries to get the guy--which really makes her seem like a b----. I found myself disliking her because of this early on in the film. However, later folks start to assume she is one of THE Toliver family and she cultivates this deception in order to get in with society and get a man she adores (though you really aren't sure why). Ultimately, there is a bizarro ending where you see that Nancy actually IS one of THE Tolivers and didn't even know it--making her a liar who isn't actually lying-- though she certainly intended to!

I hated this film and my reasons were numerous. The most obvious one I mentioned above--I disliked and didn't respect the leading character. She was deceptive and nasty. Additionally, she was vacillating between two men--both who looked almost identical to each other--and odd choice of casting and a confusing one. Another BIG problem was casting Jeanne Roberts, as she sounded exactly like Betty Boop and provided unwanted comic relief. Her voice grated on me and I just wanted to see someone yell "SHUT UP" and slap her whenever she talked! Finally, the ending was so very contrived and unbelievable that all the time spent watching the film never actually paid off. And what did I like? Nothing.
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