The Vidiot Reviews...
2 October 2014
​ Million Dollar Arm

It makes sense that Hindi-speaking athletes would gravitate towards baseball since there's a team called the Indians.

Racial epithets aside this sports-drama does involve players from India.

When down-and-out sports agent J. B. Bernstein (Jon Hamm) vacillates between a televised cricket match and a singing competition, he formulates a plan to invigorate his firm with talent from India.

Convinced he'll find the next great baseball pitcher through a reality TV show format, J.B. enlists a cantankerous scout (Alan Arkin) to be a judge in the competition.

Eventually, J.B. discovers two worthy candidates (Suraj Sharma, Madhur Mittal) and ships them back to America to try out for the majors.

Based on a true story, Million Dollar Arm is a boilerplate feel-good Disney sports movie that concludes as expected, with no complexity or ingenuity required.

On a related note, females traveling to India alone should always bring a baseball bat with them.

Yellow Light

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