Review of The Cell 2

The Cell 2 (2009 Video)
Bad without redemption
4 October 2014
This movie was so consistently a "miss" that it's almost funny. The director, and the producers, who let it happen, ought to be taken out to the back lot somewhere and done in. Or worse: make them watch this film.

What didn't work is the acting most of all. The characterization a are about the quality of a porno movie, with none of the redeeming features (such as they are). The woman, Maya, who's supposed to figure stuff out remotely, instead just looks like an idiot. She spends most of the movie simply being useless, not knowing what's going on.

And the men in the film – not leading actors, obviously – were so emotionless and paper- thin, they should probably get credit for just maintaining a level of stupor throughout the whole thing.

Even the dastardly deeds of the villain were pretty pale as presented. Altogether a movie that's really not even worth watching for fun. Pass.
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