Review of Madrid, 1987

Madrid, 1987 (2011)
..this is twilight zone material
11 October 2014
Please, you can push some boundaries maybe some of the time... but this is beyond bizarre!! This beautiful, intelligent, young woman .. .. is going to get herself totally naked, pretty much just on the suggestion that she should.. winding up locked in a dingy bathroom for a whole day, sharing one dirty towel, with an old bag of nicotine laced Sacristán bones. And ya gotta buy into her doing all this, for really not so much any meaningful reason. If that's not enough in itself, she then incredibly winds up getting it on (literally) with him.. more than once!! And then as unfathomably as it all began, it ends abruptly with placement of doubt as towards the future. In just what universe is this all EVER going to remotely happen.
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