The only volunteers in Nazi concentration camps?
23 October 2014
The only volunteers in Nazi concentration camps

The Nazi officers and the ordinary Wehrmacht soldiers had to go where they were sent, if they were assigned to Sachsenhausen, that's where they had to go. The poor Jewish prisoners were savagely rounded up and shipped in appalling conditions. The only way they could get out of the camp was by dying in the gas chambers! There was however a small group who were repeatedly offered their "freedom", all they had to do was to sign a document renouncing their faith, stating that the Bible was a false doctrine. They had to accept Hitler as their Fuhrer or leader and accept the Nazi party as the highest authority in their lives. Bear in mind they were living in the most inhumane conditions devised by man. Would you have been tempted? If they refused to sign they were threatened with death, and not a simple quick death either! Torture was commonplace in these demonic death camps and this group were targeted because of their refusal to go along with Nazi edicts. This group were true Christians who refused to worship anyone other than the true God and his anointed Son Jesus Christ! They spoke to others about Bible teachings at every opportunity, and the Nazis hated them for their "subversive" activity. The Nazis wanted to control everyone in Germany and wanted to extinguish every voice of opposition to their brutal totalitarian and racist rulership. Who were this one group who had a "get out of jail free" card but didn't use it? Jehovah's Witnesses. Find out some facts about them on www.jw.org or please speak to them the next time they call. With Christian Love Tony
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