This certainly didn't help Victor Jory become a star!
31 October 2014
In his career, Victor Jory generally played villains or supporting characters. Here, however, he stars in a western--and that is VERY unusual. Unfortunately for him and his career, the film just isn't very good and I doubt if it did a thing to help him as a star. But, at least you can watch it if you'd like to see Alan Ladd before he was 'discovered' or if you'd like to see Noah Beery Junior embarrass himself.

When the film begins, Jory plays a nice-guy who seems to be equally concerned with protecting the town from a bully and his paid sheriff as he is about getting drunk. He is certainly no hero in this role--though eventually he reforms and finally does the right thing. In the process, he meets a stuck up rich lady and has a few not particularly interesting adventures.

So why did I give this one a 3? Well, there are many reasons--and the biggest is that the film never really gets very interesting. There are also some poorly written plot elements (such as the stuck up lady who almost instantly changes and the film never allows any realistic development of her character). Additionally, Noah Beery Jr. plays a horrible role as a Mexican--and seems completely out of place. Finally, the big showdown fizzles and makes little sense. All in all, perhaps a 3 is being a bit generous.
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