Interesting characters well played, made me want to read the book
10 November 2014
If you liked McDormand's performance in Fargo, Olive Kitteridge will surely not disappoint. I look forward to reading the book now and only wish that perhaps I'd read it before watching the mini-series. I loved much about this mini-series but most especially the straightforward way that depression is handled. Olive is a complex character (not all bad or all good) and while her behavior might be tough to swallow, McDormand treats us to a realistic portrayal of the disease of depression and how is affects every facet of her life and those around her. Some well played foreshadowing moments and times of contradictory behavior make the plot and characters more interesting. I gave it a 10/10 because this is the kind of movie I enjoy, but know that it might not appeal to everyone, especially if you just want to watch a feel good or relaxing movie. This one will challenge you to think a bit more and examine your own dysfunctional behavior (and/or that of your family) which may not be too comfortable. Also enjoyed the other characters, especially Henry and Christopher.
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